Friday, December 30, 2011

What aspects of your life need attention in 2012?

A lot.  I feel like there were so many goals I had set for myself when I entered BVS, and I've really only accomplished a few.

This coming year I want to focus on my spirituality, which has been put on the back burner ... much like Dana's barnacles of cynicism, I too feel like I have some sort of growth plaguing me and my attention to religion.  Knowing that my beliefs are drastically different from those of many members of the congregation here exhausts me, so much so that I've failed to see the similarities.  And this also doesn't help in the feeling of a lack of community between myself and the rest of the congregation and many of the staff.  I need to concentrate on the positive, rather than the negative.  I only hope they also give me the space to do so.

I also want to give more attention to nurturing the relationships I've formed here, both with other volunteers and Salvadorans.  I know there's a point at which people sort of stop becoming involved in other people's lives because they will soon have to part for an indefinite period of time, but I hope to maintain and strengthen relationships in 2012, rather than focus on the parting process.  If anything, I want to expand my circle of community.

While I want to continue strengthening relationships, I know I must also inevitably think about the future and what lies ahead for me post-BVS.  Yikes!  I want to find a healthy balance between planning for the next steps and being fully present in, well, the present.

And like everyone else, I too should exercise more often, eat better, stop drinking so much gaseosa (soda), and get more sleep!

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