Monday, June 11, 2012

48th anniversary

Not mine, but Emmanuel Baptist Church's 48th Anniversary.  Founded on June 6, 1964, the congregation and mission points celebrate every year for the entire month of June.  Here are some photos from this past Sunday's big celebration.  Unfortunately, I'd left my camera memory chip thing at home, and so only had the camera's internal memory ... No fear, more photos to come soon.  And as well, a few other entries from recent events.

At left, Praise Band Grupo 3:16

Brother Luis Mejia and Sister Josefina Guevara, worship leaders

Congregation.  I wish I had a head count, but likely around 250.  Any rate, the place was packed.

Pastor Miguel Tomas Castro

Commissioning of various church ministries, including deacons, praise band, Cal Pipil youth center, men's and women's fellowships, Sunday School groups, mission points and missionaries, and school teachers.
Oh, and I said life was getting exciting.  Suffice it to say there's a guy in this photo whose made my life pretty exciting lately.  Third from left, in the front, wearing glasses.

Bishop whose name I can't remember, who was asked to lead the commissioning service.
